Stage 1: Interest and Eligibility
- Review Provider eligibility – click here to view.
- Provider decides she/he wants to be accredited
- Enroll in our program by contacting your local mentor or our main office at 1-877-892-FCCP.
Stage 2: Self-Study
- FCCP will supply levels 1&2 of the benchmark book, which providers will work through.
- In these benchmarks, sections cover: routines, relationships, developmental learning activities, records and an environmental checklist.
- When provider has completed Benchmarks Levels 1 & 2, they can apply for a “Level Review” visit.
Stage 3: Level Review Visit
- An FCCP Level Reviewer will schedule an observational visit with the provider.
- After the visit, the FCCP office will determine the next steps.
- Provider will be issued a “Feedback Report” along with any recommendations for equipment.
- Provider (with mentor) will review feedback report and continue to work towards making program improvements.
Stage 4: Observation Phase
- After application materials have been submitted, the provider will wait for an NAFCC Observer to be assigned
- The Observer will visit and submit their observation paperwork to NAFCC
Stage 5: Accreditation!
- NAFCC will notify provider of decision!
For more information about The National Association for Family Child Care, please visit their site at: